D’Ouest en Est
Ensemble Chopi Timbila Orquestra (Mozambique)
3 june 2020 Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique (Paris)
Manfla's Zaouli (Ivory Coast)
Ensemble Chopi Timbila Orquestra (Mozambique)
Zaman Production in collaboration with the Cité de la musique - Philharmonie de Paris
Dedicated to African ritual dances and music, this evening takes us first to Côte d'Ivoire, to discover the zaouli of Manfla, then to Mozambique, to meet the timbila xylophones and the Chopi dance.
This crossing of Africa begins in Côte d'Ivoire, among the Gouro people, to the rhythm of Manfla's zaouli. The term "zaouli" refers to both a mask and a dance. Very colorful, the mask - of which there are several variations - is characterized by the finesse of its features and its jovial aspect. Associated with an equally colourful costume, it is the main element of traditional ceremonies combining dance and music. The journey continues at the other end of Africa, in Mozambique, in the footsteps of the xylophones timbila and the Chopi dance. Accompanying the dances, timbila orchestras mix several generations and bring together five to thirty xylophones of various sizes. The Chopi Timbila Orquestra Ensemble is its ambassador here.